About Me

A Little Background About Me

My name is Reymark Hamaguchi and I am the owner of Virtual Design Builder. I specialize in website and landing page design, Canva graphic design, basic video editing and social media management.

My Passion For Design & Creatives

Growing up, I already have this passion for design and creatives. Most of my classmates before in highschool would know me as the “best video editor” guy because I used to get commendations from my former teachers about my works and projects.

At the first two years of my career, I never had an oppurtunity to showcase and put into reality my creative ideas because I was stuck working on a BPO company doing repetitive tasks everyday. It had provided my basic needs but there is just something within me that tells me I am better than this. That I am capable of something much bigger.

So, I resigned and out of nowhere I discover digital marketing and freelancing. I get the chance to work with different clients from different business background. I fell inlove with what I was doing because aside from the benefits that it provides me, it also allow me to work anywhere. It was truly a life changing journey for me.

Email me at: reymark@virtualdesignbuilder.com

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